It’s funny what one can be accustomed to. It’s taken me several years to get over missing the daily contact via my pirate group’s messageboard, but I am now almost as hooked on Facebook – I don’t spend nearly the same amount of time, though. (I mean, after you’ve read your News Feed and posted a status, what’s there to do?? I’m not into Farmville or whatever the latest cyber-world-game is – and quite frankly, never understood the attraction.)
Of course, having said that, I’m sure there are going to be people that don’t understand the attraction of my newest addiction: Pinterest.
(You may have noticed the Pinterest buttons/gadgets on the blog page. Don’t, I’m begging you, go on there…really. Seriously. It’s evil. Well, not evil…but it can be very…um…time-consuming.)
Pinterest is a website where you can “pin” something you’ve seen online that you like to your "board." Could be a dress or a handbag, a cute picture of a puppy or a kitten, or some wonderful craft or photo from someone’s blog. (BTW - You are welcome to pin any of my stuff…honest. Promise I won’t sue you for copyright infringement.)
On Pinterest, I’m mostly interested in the Home+Furniture Discussion Board. They have got some killer ideas for home décor and do-it-yourself (DIY) projects. Which I’m dying to try…but then I wonder if I should put forth the effort…seeing as how I’m going to be selling the house (*fingers crossed*) in the not-too-distant future.
So, with that in mind, I’m posting something on my blog today that I made, actually, last year. I did them for quick and cute Christmas gifts for the ladies here in the office, some other good friends and neighbors. I confess that I didn’t come up with the original idea, I "borrowed" it (PIRATE!!), but I also admit the ones I made were...*ahem*...way cuter than the original idea. (Look, if I don’t blow my own horn, who will???)
It’s a message board made from a cookie tin. I went to the dollar store and got a bunch of cheapos (because you’d be amazed how much the good ones cost!!). Then it’s just a matter of decorating it with patterned paper, ribbon and embellishments. I did some with the magnetic clips you can pick up at Office Max or Staples…with some little decorations glued to them. I also made some with extra-large colorful buttons, with magnets glued on the back, for the board's magnets. (There are also designer magnets you can buy. Really, you’re just limited by your imagination.)
I used picture-hanging hardware on the back of the tin - the adhesive that I used to attach this was E-6000, which lasts forever. And then tied matching ribbon, from which to hang it...and ét voila!
I like the look of this one, because it’s kind of vintage, and I loved the patterned paper I used. The sheer ribbon bows were added by the friend who received the gift…and I think it makes it “pop” that much more. (Who said that perfection can’t be perfected on, eh??)
Anyway, I’ve seen several cookie tin magnet boards on Pinterest…but I’m hoping someone will “pin” this one…because...well, just because! ! LOL
LOTS of LOVE Valentine & Everyday card kit
1 month ago